U.S. Pension Advisors

Improving Municipal Finances & Public Assets

Our Process

We create Public-to-Public Partnerships via asset transfers to reduce municipal pension liabilities while simultaneously revitalizing their public assets. We invest American public pension plan capital into public assets, maintaining ongoing public oversight for the public benefit.

Who We Are

At U.S. Pension Advisors, our team possesses a public heritage and ethos that make us adept public stewards and enable us to effectively address America’s pension and public-asset challenges. With a diverse range of expertise and experience, we bring together professionals who specialize in investment & asset management, public finance, public pensions, and government relations. This collective skill set allows us to positively influence public policy & legislation, navigate complex financial landscapes, ensure compliance with regulatory frameworks, and communicate effectively with multiple stakeholders.

Our team's ability to analyze, strategize, and mitigate risks enables us to steer the Public-to-Public Partnership creation process, while prioritizing the interests of the Public we serve. Together, we are well-equipped to manage the challenges and capitalize on the potential of Public-to-Public Partnerships, ultimately driving positive outcomes for our clients and the stakeholders involved.